Dos School Newport Reward of Merit Medal

Item reference number: 161

Dos School Newport Monmouthshire Reward of Merit Medal.

White metal, 31 mm diameter.

Children of workers at the 'Dos Works' were offered a free education at the works own school.

The school was opened by the early 1850s, well before the education act of 1870 entitled all children to full time education.

Although locally known as the Dos Works, the correct title of the manufactory, which made nails, was JJ Cordes & Co. It is not known for sure why it was known as the 'Dos' Works, one theory is that the Cordes family were of Spanish/French descent and that Dos (Spanish for two) signified that this was their second business venture.

The business was founded in 1835 and finally closed in September 1961.

For a detailed history of the works see issue 61 of the "Archive" journal.

Photos relating to the Dos Works